Word Value

Effect vs Affect

Many people have problems deciding which one to use in a sentence, myself included. Effect and Affect have many definitions, as most words do these days, but the definitions I’m most familiar with made me wonder about how we use these words.

Specifically, effect means the consequence of an action (cause and effect), while affect means to pretend or to assume (to affect an accent you don’t have).

Knowing these definitions I wonder why we use the word affection to mean that we have feelings for someone. Psychologically we should have “effection” for someone, because we feel emotions for them due to their actions. To have affection for someone makes it seem as though we are putting a fake emotion forward, using it as a facade. Perhaps that is why the definition for affection as a mode of showing love is considered archaic.  Yet I know people (again including me) who use it still today.

Consider your words.

2015 Resolutions

I think the phrase New Years Resolution has been getting a bad reputation. The Resolution is only as good as the will power it takes to achieve it.

In the hopes of giving New Years Resolutions a more favorable reputation I’m going to blog my way through this next year, keeping readers informed with weekly updates.

I won’t put up my list of Resolutions until closer to the New Year, but I encourage you to start your own list. Include things you’ve been wanting to do, but haven’t had the time, include selfless things, include anything that makes you learn.

I’ve always been a list person so just seeing my plans written down helps me to achieve them, but if you need a bigger push try making it a group effort. Involve friends, family, or coworkers, whoever will fit into your goals.

To me a Resolution is a promise you make to yourself.  Make a few this year.

If people take anything from my music, it should be motivation to know that anything is possible as long as you keep working at it and don’t back down.

All too often we get caught up in music, especially rap and rock, that’s only about partying, sex, and drugs. Not that music is ever truly a bad thing, but it can teach so many serious things that it shouldn’t be ignored as a teaching method. Music should always inspire us, when it stops doing that then we should stop listening. 

A Quote from Poe

Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things that escape those who dream only at night.

Never let your dreams fade away. Dreams are more than moving images that pass the time when we sleep. Dreams are all we have when today fades into tomorrow, they are the hope that allows us to keep going.

I couldn’t help myself from putting the next quote in as well, for it is truly beautiful.

Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.

Edgar Allan Poe

Here’s a link to Edgar Allan Poe’s poems

“Look UP” A Must Watch

Truly a video worth watching. Next time you see someone you don’t know, smile.

Wonder Of My Worlds

A friend of mine sent me this today and I was blown away at how true it was. I mean, it is quite contradicting to tell you to watch a video on your laptop/phone/ipad that asks you to put those things away while you’re reading it on my blog (another form of social media) but it is most certainly a must watch! beautifully worded and very relatable…enjoy xx

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“The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid.”
―     Jane Austen

Yep, you read that right. Jane Austen tells it like it is. I can’t help but adore Austen for all of her books, and for her unbelievable intelligence.  She died long ago, but I still feel connected to her through her writing. A writer can’t hope for anything more.


Home Library


Anyone that knows me knows that I LOVEbooks. I have an addiction for them, but that’s okay, right? I want my home to be filled with books, a thousand different kinds dedicated to my love for the written word. As of now I own roughly 600 books, and I only want more. But in my current apartment (which I share with my perfect fiancé, C.A.Thatch) we’ve filled up all of our shelves, and have little room left to fit another one.  So for now we’ve decided to slow down on buying books and concentrate on reading every single one that we own. One day though we’ll start procuring books again, so I need to get savvy about saving space. Hence the above picture. I love the idea of putting them under the staircase in a bookshelf I’ve made myself. Perhaps the Harry Potter books belong there :p just kidding.

Any and all books fascinate me beyond measure, and I’m always looking to read new authors so if you’ve read a book you want to tell the world about, tell me too.


A Quote from Gandhi

Live as if you were to die tomorrow.  Learn as if you were to live forever.

Mahatma Gandhi
Gandhi has always been one of my favorites to quote due to his intelligent and kind nature. His belief system of kindness has always moved me. If people could just be a little more kind more often then the world would be a much better place. Just smile more, really it will help.
Here’s a link to more of Gandhi’s quotes.




This poor child being born
doesn’t know yet that it will fail.
Not soon, but too soon all the same.
A hundred eons and not enough,
nothing survives but the end.

Days drift on memories disremembered,
willed away by need, climbing to the surface,
bloated cadavers of missing thoughts
floating up and up until they drag us down.

White knuckles, no breath.
Let it go! Never,
Never tight enough.
Slinks away to fly
nothing true to touch.

-Seneca Sutton